Eddie Wilson

Eddie Wilson is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems at the University of Bristol. Prior to this (2010-2012) he was Professor of Modelling and Simulation at the University of Southampton. He is an applied mathematician by background, and a member and former head of Bristol's Engineering Mathematics department. Eddie works in applications across a wide range of engineering sectors, but with a particular emphasis in the transport sector, including policy - he served on the UK government's Department for Transport's science advisory council. His work on stop-and-go waves, aka "phantom traffic jams" is particularly well known in the popular media, and was the focus of an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship 2007-2012.
Most recently, he has modelled driverless vehicles and autonomous systems more generally, which are the focus of a 5M pounds partnership project with Thales Group. He has been an active member of the study groups with industry community for over 20 years and has worked on a large number of industry-funded projects. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.