Luis Nunes Vicente

Luis Nunes Vicente is the Timothy J. Wilmott ’80 Endowed Faculty Professor and Chair of Lehigh University’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), effective August 1, 2018, after a career as a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra. His research interests include Continuous Optimization, Computational Science and Engineering, and Machine Learning and Data Science.
He obtained his PhD from Rice University in 1996, under a Fulbright scholarship, receiving from Rice the Ralph Budd Thesis Award. He was one of the three finalists of the 94-96 A. W. Tucker Prize of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS).
In 2015, he was awarded the Lagrange Prize of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and MOS for the co-authorship of the book “Introduction to Derivative-Free Optimization, MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2009”.
He held visiting positions at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and the IMA/University of Minnesota in 2002/2003, at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences/NYU and the Université Paul Verlaine of Metz in 2009/2010, and at Roma/Sapienza and Rice University in 2016/2017. He was visiting Chercheur Sénior of the Fondation de Coopération Sciences et Technologies pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace (Réseau Thématique de Recherche Avancée) at CERFACS and Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, during 2010-2015.
He has served on numerous editorial boards, including SIAM Journal on Optimization (2009-2017), EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, and Optimization Methods and Software (2010-2018). He was Editor-in-Chief of Portugaliae Mathematica (published by the European Mathematical Society) during 2013-2018. He has given a number of plenary lectures in reputed society/serial conferences (13th French-German Conf. Optim., VII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optim., 8th EUROPT, ICCOPT III, Journées de l’Optimisation – Montréal, 5th Sino-Japanese Optim. Meeting, 43rd Annual Conf. of Italian OR Society, 3rd EUCCO, 26th IFIP TC 7 / 2013, Journées Annuelles 2014 CNRS Optimisation, 15th MOPTA, Journées SMAI-MODE 2018, 6th IMA Conference on NLA and Optimization, ISMP 2018 – keynote, 32nd Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium).