Paul Dellar

Paul Dellar has been a University Lecturer at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford since 2007, having previously been a Violette and Samuel Glasstone Research Fellow there between 2001 and 2004. He was an undergraduate and research student at the University of Cambridge, a research fellow at St John's College, Cambridge from 1998 to 2001, and a lecturer in applied mathematics at Imperial College London from 2004 to 2007. His research was supported by an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship between 2007 and 2012.
He has worked extensively to develop the lattice Boltzmann method for fluid dynamics and related systems, and is a member of the scientific committee of the Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics conference series. The lattice Boltzmann approach uses ideas from the kinetic theory of gases to create simulation algorithms suited to modern computer architectures that have been widely adopted in the automotive and other industries. His formulation of magnetohydrodynamics was adopted by DARPA as a large-scale benchmark for their High Productivity Computing Systems project, and underpins his recent work on simulating complex fluids inspired by Jeffery's equation for suspensions of non-spherical particles.
He has also worked extensively in atmosphere-ocean fluid dynamics, mostly recently to devise an analytical theory to explain the directions of the equatorial jets arising in simulations of the atmospheres of gas giant planets. He has wide interests in mathematics applied to problems in physics, and has participated in every one of the European Study Groups in Industry held at the University of Limerick.