William Lee

William Lee has a first degree and PhD from the University of Cambridge and carried out postdoctoral research at Cambridge, Edinburgh and Limerick where he was part of the MACSI team that introduced Study Groups with Industry to Ireland with ESGI62. At Limerick he transitioned to a lecturing role and continued to work with industry through a variety of mechanisms, co-founding the Industrial Mathematics Unit to provide a mechanism for mathematical consultancy work for industry. After a short stay at the University of Portsmouth where he led efforts to introduce an MMath, he moved to take up a post as Professor of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Huddersfield where he has run two Mathematical Hackathons.
His research has been awarded the 2017 Knowledge Transfer Ireland Consultancy Impact Award and the Economist's Babbage Blog 2011 Award for Bizarre Boffinry. His research has been discussed on Food Unwrapped and in online articles by the Wall Street Journal and Time Magazine. William is a regular participant in Study Groups and Modelling Weeks.