Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Contributed Talks (Thursday, April 15, 16:30-18:10)

A contributed talk session has 5 talks and each oral presentation has a 15+5 minutes slot. Please notice that the 5 minutes are devoted to questions.

CT01 (Chair: Alessandra Micheletti)

  • 16:30 Alessandro Maria Selvitella, Kathleen Lois Foster, A Higher-Order Taylor Expansion of the Initial Trajectory of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths via Bayesian Hierarchical Models: A Toy Problem and Possible Public Health Insights
  • 16:50 Kathleen Lois Foster, Alessandro Maria Selvitella, Government Measures Against the COVID-19 Pandemic Must be Determined According to the Socio-Economic Status of the Country
  • 17:10 Yeftanus Antonio, Sapto Wahyu Indratno, Suhadi Wido Saputro, Effects of Clustering Coefficient on Cyber Insurance Rate Making
  • 17:30 Juancho Arranz Collera, Dynamics of a Delayed Kaldor-Kalecki Model of Mutually Linked Economies
  • 17:50 Parveena Shamim Abdul Salam, Sudarshan Tiwari, Axel Klar, Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Interaction with Moving Obstacles using Particle Method

CT02 (Chair: Michael Günther)

  • 16:30 Barbara Zubik-Kowal, Dynamic Iterations Applied to Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology
  • 16:50 Raffaele D'Ambrosio, Carmela Scalone, Numerical Dynamics of Stochastic Oscillators
  • 17:10 Raffele D'Ambrosio, Stefano Di Giovacchino, Mean-Square Contractivity Preserving Stochastic discretization
  • 17:30 Moustafa Ibrahim, El Houssaine Quenjel, Mazen Saad, Positive Finite Volume Method for Simulating an Anisotropic Keller-Segel System over General Meshes
  • 17:50 Rafael González Albaladejo, Ana Carpio, Immersed Boundary Approach to Biofilm Spread on Surfaces

CT03 (Chair: Andreas Bartel)

  • 16:30 Tsvetan Krastev Kotsev, Numerical Study of the Hydrodynamic Interaction Between Three Spheroids in a Viscous Flow Along Their Central Line
  • 16:50 Falco Schneider, On the Discretization of Diffusion Fluxes for a System of PDEs
  • 17:10 Friedemann Klass, Andreas Bartel, Alessandro Gabbana, Boundary Conditions for Multispeed Lattice Boltzmann Methods
  • 17:30 Marina Berbel, Susana Serna, Antonio Marquina, Non-convex Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics
  • 17:50 Peeyush Singh, Projected PAQIF Algorithm for Solving Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Problems: Parallel Computing

CT04 (Chair: Sebastian Schöps)

  • 16:30 Svenn Anton Halvorsen, Mads Fromreide, Manuel Sparta, Vetle Kjær Risinggård, Mathematical Models for Electromagnetic Conditions in Submerged Arc Furnaces
  • 16:50 Pablo Venegas, Dolores Gomez, Mikel Arrinda, Mikel Oyarbide, Haritz Macicior, SoC Estimation of Li-Ion Batteries by Using Kalman Filtering and Preisach Hysteresis Model
  • 17:10 Marc Harmening, Tensile Strength Simulation-Based Nonwoven Material Design
  • 17:30 Klaus-Dieter Bauer, Josef Haslinger, Günter Offner, Tigran Parikyan, Approaches for Going Beyond Linear Frequency Domain Powertrain Simulations
  • 17:50 Laura Del Río, Alfredo Bermúdez, Andrés Prieto, Numerical Characterization of Porous Materials Using Alpha Cabins

CT05 (Chair: Gerd Steinebach)

  • 16:30 Shota Shigetomi, Kenji Kajiwara, Explicit Formulas of Arc-Length Preserving Motions of Smooth and Discrete Elasticae
  • 16:50 Angela Slavova, Cellular Nonlinear Computing on the Edge of Chaos
  • 17:10 Alfredo Bermudez, Mohsen Shabani, Transient Numerical Simulation of Gas Transportation Networks
  • 17:30 Edward Donlon, Dana Mackey, Dynamics of Generalized Random Sequential Adsorption with Applications to Immunosensor Optimization
  • 17:50 Archna Kumari, Shallu ., Vijay Kumar Kukreja, Study of Self-Adjoint Singularly Perturbed BVP by Septic Hermite Collocation Method