Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

General Information and Speaker Instruction

Each session takes place in a virtual room assigned to a name of an ECMI node:

Virtual Room

Technical Assistant(s)


Matthias Ehrhardt


Lorenc Kapllani / Long Teng


Michelle Muniz / Tatiana Kossaczká

A Coruña

Friedemann Klaß / Andreas Bartel


Mario Zaghini / Stephanie Friedhoff


Jens Jäschke / Renate Winkler

Novi Sad

Anna Clevenhaus


Marcus Bannenberg / Jan ter Maten


Michael Günther

Accordingly, the virtual coffee breaks will take place in the countries of the corresponding ECMI nodes, i.e. Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Serbia, Portugal and Hungary.

Speaker Instruction

For our virtual conference venue we will use the Zoom videoconferencing platform in a special version that conforms to the strict german data protection rules. You may check the Zoom FAQ for more detailed information. There will be no recording (except for the public math awareness talk and the four COVID-19 related minisymposia MS14, MS15, MS25 and MS28), the presentations will be only available in a live conferencing format with a live chat between the presenter and the audience.

Please be aware that each oral presentation has a 25+5 (plenary talks), 20+5 (minisymposia talks) and 15+5 (contributed talks) minutes slot. A minisymposium session has 4 talks and a contributed talk session has 5 talks. Please notice that the 5 minutes are devoted to questions.

Assistants from the University of Wuppertal will moderate the Zoom sessions and assist the speakers with technical questions. Once the session has started, the session chair and all speakers will become "co-hosts" so that they can share their screens. We assume that each speaker will use their own computer to display the presentations, i.e. there will be no upload of presentation files. Questions could be put in the chat.

Ice Breaking Activities

Besides the scientific programme and the virtual coffee-breaks we organize an online board game tournament, especially for the doctoral students. This virtual ice breaking event will be implemented using Gather, a spatial video-chat world that combines video calling with fun features in a custom 2-D world. The maximum number of participants is limited by 25 for each virtual world. For questions regarding this event please contact the organizing doctoral studentsMichelle Muniz or Friedemann Klass.