Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Minisymposia (MS)

A minisymposia session has 4 talks and each oral presentation has a 20+5 minutes slot. Please notice that the 5 minutes are devoted to questions.

  1. Carlos Vázquez / Cendón Kees Oosterlee / Andrea Pascucci / Griselda Deelstra / Pasquale Cirillo, The European Industrial Doctorate ABC-EU-XVA
  2. Matthias Ehrhardt / Jan ter Maten, Computational Methods for Finance and Energy Markets (SIG)
  3. Sean McGinty / Giuseppe Pontrelli, Drug Delivery Systems and Implantable Devices (SIG)
  4. Luis Bonilla / Jesús Angulo / François Willot, Shape and Size in Medicine, Biotechnology and Materials Science (SIG)
  5. Alessandra Micheletti / Natasa Krejic, Mathematics for Big Data (SIG)
  6. Matti Heiliö / Simo Ali-Löytty / Tatjana Pogarskaya / Valtteri Pinkkilä / Riikka Kangaslampi / Matylda Jablonska-Sabuka, Towards a Virtual Campus in Industrial Mathematics (SIG)
  7. Joachim Linn / Dietmar Hömberg, Maths for the Digital Factory (SIG)
  8. Modelling Simulation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering (SIG MSOEE)
    • Idoia Cortes Garcia / Caren Tischendorf, Modelling, Simulation and Optimization in High Frequency Electromagnetics (MSOEE 1)
    • Idoia Cortes Garcia / Oliver Rain, Modelling, Simulation and Optimization in Low Frequency Electromagnetics (MSOEE 2)
    • Stephanie Friedhoff / Sebastian Schöps, Modelling, Parallel Simulation and Optimization of Electrical Machines (MSOEE 3)
    • Luis Bonilla / Vittorio Romano / Giovanni Mascali, Mathematical Modeling of Charge Transport in Graphene and Low Dimensional Structures (MSOEE 4)
    • Markus Clemens, Quasistatic Field Formulations (MSOEE 5)
  9. Bartomeu Coll / Manuel Cruz / Peregina Quintela, EU-MATHS-IN: Success Stories of Mathematical Technologies in Societal Challenges and Industry
  10. Sarah-Alexa Hauschild / Nicole Marheineke, MSO for District Heating Networks
  11. Gerd Steinebach / Tanja Clees / Nadine Stahl / Björn Liljegren-Sailer, MSO for Gas Networks and Sector coupling
  12. Sara Grundel / Karl Worthmann, Mathematical Innovations for Mastering the Energy Transition: a Holistic Perspective
  13. Vincent Cregan / Francesc Font, Mathematical Solutions to Combat Environmental Challenges
  14. Karunia Putra Wijaya / Wolfgang Bock, Modelling and Optimization in Epidemiology
  15. Sara Grundel / Karl Worthmann, Mathematical Innovations for Mastering the COVID-19 Pandemic
  16. Paul Ledger / William Lionheart, Solution of Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Imaging and Inverse Problems
  17. Ferran Brosa Planella / Robert Timms, Advances in the Modelling and Simulation of Batteries
  18. Matti Heilio / John Mango / Bengt-Ove Turesson / Leif Abrahamsson / Godwin Kakuba / Denis Ndanguza, Mathematics and Working Life in African Context. Status and Visions
  19. István Faragó / Tamás Kalmár-Nagy, Numerical Methods for Engineering Problems
  20. Marcus Bannenberg / Onkar Jadhav / Umberto Morelli / Nirav Shah, The European Industrial Doctorate ROMSOC
  21. Wil Schilders / Ine Helvik / Willem La Riviere / Erik van Haren, Smartpool: Combining Pool Billiards and Mathematics
  22. Peter L. Simon / Leonhard M. Horstmeyer / Ágnes Backhausz / Nga Nguyen, Adaptation and Propagation Processes on Networks - from Neural Networks to Epidemic Spread and Market Ecosystems
  23. Simone Göttlich / Claudia Totzeck, Data-Driven Optimization
  24. Philip Broadbridge / Anthony Jakeman / Zainal Abdul Aziz / Masato Wakayama, Collaborative session from APCMfI (Asia-Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry)
  25. Gaby Folger / Kurt Chudej, Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology and Medicine
  26. Krzysztof Burnecki / Marcin Magdziarz / Łukasz Płociniczak / Marek Teuerle / Agnieszka Wyłomańska / Aleksander Weron, Fractional Dynamics and Its Applications
  27. Raquel M. Gaspar, Fin Tech: On the use of Robo Advising and Neural Networks in Finance
  28. Katerina Kaouri / Ian Griffiths, Modelling COVID-19 Transmission in Indoor Spaces
  • SIG: Special Interest Group of ECMI
  • MSO: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization
  • MS 14, MS 15, MS 25 and MS 28 are related to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. Due to the general relevance, also to the public, these MS are scheduled as 'open access'.
  • MS 1 and MS 20 are devoted to European Industrial Doctorate (EID) Networks.
  • The contact person of the corresponding MS is linked with the email address.