Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS03: Drug Delivery Systems and Implantable Devices

Controlled drug delivery systems have become common in the clinic. These systems combine a platform or carrier with a drug in such a way that the drug is efficiently released to a target tissue or organ, while maintaining the drug concentration within a therapeutic window. Implantable devices are designed to replace, support or enhance a damaged/diseased biological structure. These may or may not contain drug. The challenge is to create a biocompatible implant that possesses the required structural and material properties depending on target location in the body. In each of these areas, there remains a number of scientific and technological challenges and an opportunity for further fine-tuning and optimization.

The scope of the minisymposium includes: Design, testing and optimisation of implantable devices and drug delivery systems; Identification of drug release mechanisms; Biomaterials, smart polymers and hydrogels; Controlled release formulations; Clinical and industrial challenges; Personalisation and patient-specific modelling; Nanoparticles, microspheres, liposomes and quantum dots; Antibody therapeutics.

We expect contributions to come from those with expertise in areas such as continuum mechanics, structural and soft tissue mechanics, numerical analysis, mathematical biology and multi-objective optimisation.

Tuesday, April 13, 14:00-15:40 (Chair: Giuseppe Pontrelli)

  1. 14:00 Keith Geroge Oldroyd, Limus-Eluting Balloons – Will They Become Mainstream Therapy for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease?
  2. 14:25 Monika Colombo, Anna Corti, Scott Berceli, Francesco Migliavacca, Sean McGinty, Claudio Chiastra, 3D Modelling of Drug Coated Balloons for Femoral Arteries
  3. 14:50 Mahdi Daei Daei, Abdul I Barakat, Computational Modeling of Stentriever Thrombectomy
  4. 15:15 Sean McGinty, David King, How does fluid flow influence drug release from drug filled implants?

Tuesday, April 13, 16:00-17:40 (Chair: Sean McGinty)

  1. 16:00 Michela Abrami, Lucia Grassi, Dritan Hasa, Beatrice Perissutti, Dario Voinovich, Gabriele Grassi, Rossella Farra, Italo Colombo, Giuseppe Pontrelli, Davide Masiello, Mario Grassi, Analysis and Modelling of the Dissolution of Polydispersed Spherical Drug Particles
  2. 16:25 Giuseppe Pontrelli, Sean McGinty, Drug release from layer-by-layer microcapsules: a computational study
  3. 16:50 Tian Yuan, Wenbo Zhan, Daniele Dini, Characterization of Transport Properties of Drugs in Brain Tissue using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Check the SIG Webpage.