Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS04: Shape and Size in Medicine, Biotechnology and Materials Science

The minisymposium is devoted to the mathematical modeling, simulation and analysis of data, shape and form in problems of Biology, Medicine and Materials Science. The minisymposium is organized by the ECMI Special Interest Group of Shape and Size in Medicine, Biotechnology and Materials Science. This SIG emphasizes topics relevant in medicine, biotechnology and materials science, which give rise to with direct and inverse problems.

Direct problems in these sciences are typically dealt with by modeling, numerical simulation and analysis, and often include study of pattern formation. Among inverse problems, we study various statistical techniques of shape analysis to measure in a quantitative way the random variability of objects; recent methods of image analysis include optical imaging of objects in turbid media, which can be used as a non-invasive technique for the detection of tumors in the body.

For these reasons, the minisymposium will foresee the discussion of the following arguments: hierarchical image analysis in Materials Science, data processing and reduced order models, microstructure in solid oxide fuel cells, topological data analysis of molecules for drug discovery, embryogenesis and to characterize cancer types, cell signaling in angiogenesis and cytoplasm.

Thursday, April 15, 10:20-12:00 (Chair: François Willot)

  1. 10:20 Ana Carpio, Carolina Trenado, Luis Bonilla, James C. Mathews, Allen R. Tannenbaum, Fingerprints of cancer by persistent homology
  2. 10:45 Alessandra Micheletti, Giovanni Bocchi, Patrizio Frosini, Alessandro Pedretti, Topological data analysis applied to the study of molecules, for drug discovery
  3. 11:10 Filippo Terragni, Luis Bonilla, Jose Manuel Vega, Data-processing in a transport model for semiconductors
  4. 11:35 Jesus Angulo, Operators and Semigroups on Ultrametric Spaces for Hierarchical Image Analysis in Material Science

Thursday, April 15, 14:30-16:10 (Chair: Luis Bonilla)

  1. 14:30 François Willot, Models of Random Microstructures Representative of the Local and Effective Physical Response of Materials
  2. 14:55 Timothy Ostler, Thomas E. Woolley, Karl Swann, Andrew Thomson, Helen Priddle, Giles Palmer, Katerina Kaouri, Shape and Size in In-Vitro Fertilisation
  3. 15:20 Adérito Araújo, Catarina Lourenço, Light Scattering in the Human Eye
  4. 15:45 Rocío Vega Martínez, Manuel Carretero, Luis Bonilla, Modeling and simulation of Notch signaling and taxis cellular mechanisms for angiogenesis (blood vessel growth)

Check the SIG Webpage.