Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS09: EU-MATHS-IN: Success Stories of Mathematical Technologies in Societal Challenges and Industry

The European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN) is a network of 17 European National Networks. EU-MATHS-IN aims to leverage the impact of mathematics on innovations in key technologies by enhanced communication and information exchange between and among the involved stakeholders on a European level. In this minisymposium, industrial partners and researchers affiliated in the research centers members of the National Networks will present some of their successful work, that resulted in effective technology transfer between academia and industry.

Tuesday, April 13, 10:20-12:00 (Chair: Manuel Cruz)

  1. 10:20 Carlos Javier Peña, Dae-Jin Lee, Daily Reservoir Inflow Forecasting for Water Resources Management
  2. 10:45 Elisa Atza, Neil Budko, High-Throughput Analysis of Potato Vitality
  3. 11:10 Christina Schenk, Simone Rusconi, Elena Akhmatskaya, Volker Schulz, Dmitri Sokolovski, Arghir Zarnescu, Optimization Problems Arising in the Complex Industrial Processes of Wine Fermentation and Polymerization
  4. 11:35 Patricia Araújo, Manuel Cruz, Sandra Ramos, Jorge Santos, Sofia Barroso, Tiago Carmo, Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Methods for Automotive Spare Parts Demand Prediction

Tuesday, April 13, 14:00-15:40 (Chair: Bartomeu Coll)

  1. 14:00 Sami Alkoury, Emilie Devijver, Marianne Clausel, Myriam Tami, Eric Gaussier, Georges Oppenheim, Probabilistic Regression Trees
  2. 14:25 Christophe Prud'homme, Zohra Djatouti, Vincent Chabannes, Romain Hild, Syphax Ikardouchene, Luc Kern, Yannick Stoll, Combining Advanced Mathematical Methods, IoT and High-Performance Computing to Optimize Energy in Existing Buildings
  3. 14:50 Nikolaj Takata Mücke, Sander Bohte, Cornelis Oosterlee, Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Modeling for Parametric Time-Dependent PDEs using Convolutional Autoencoders and Memory-Aware Neural Networks
  4. 15:15 Michael Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, Bernhard Pöchtrager, Topological Index Analysis and Its Application to Multi-Physical Systems in Transient System Simulation

Tuesday, April 13, 16:00-17:40 (Chair: Bartomeu Coll)

  1. 16:00 Clare Merritt, Matt Butchers, Alan Champneys, Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences (V-KEMS)
  2. 16:25 Jane Luise Hutton, Statistics Informing Litigation on Defective Products or Services, and Impact of Medico-Legal Claims on Insurance Industry
  3. 16:50 Martine Jayne Barons, Safeguarding the Nation’s Digital Memory
  4. 17:15 Kevin Martin Moroney, Process Modelling to Enable Roller Compaction Scale-Up in Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Tablets

Check the Project Webpage.