Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS10: MSO for District Heating Networks

A very important part of a successful energy transition is an increasing supply of renewable energies. However, the power supply through such energies is highly volatile. District heating networks show a high potential to balance the fluctuating supply due to their ability to absorb more or less excess power while keeping the heat supply unchanged. A long-term objective is to strongly increase energy efficiency through the intelligent control of district heating networks. The basis is the dynamic modeling of the district heating network itself, which is not available in the optimization tools currently used in industry, and would allow for optimization of the fluctuating operating resources, e.g. waste incineration, electric power or gas.

The minisymposium presents models and methods tailored for heating networks, such as model hierarchies, model reduction, structure-preserving discretizations, optimization strategies.

Tuesday, April 13, 10:20-12:00

  1. 10:20 Matthias Eimer, Raul Borsche, Norbert Siedow, Well-Posedness of District Heating Models
  2. 10:45 Marius Roland, Martin Schmidt, Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization for District Heating Network Expansion
  3. 11:10 Dominik Linn, René Pinnau, Jan Mohring, Adjoint Based Optimal Control of District Heating Networks
  4. 11:35 Sarah-Alexa Hauschild, Nicole Marheineke, Numerical Methods for a pH-Model of District Heating Networks

Check the Project Webpage EiFer "Energy efficiency through intelligent district heating networks" (in german)