Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS11: MSO for Gas Networks and Sector coupling

In this mini-symposium large gas networks will be considered. These networks can be coupled with energy networks to ensure flexible use of renewably generated electricity. Thereby, decentralized hydrogen storage can be integrated and the sectors electricity, gas and heat management have to be considered increasingly integrated. For this purpose, reliable simulation techniques as well as optimization methods are presented, which have already proven themselves in the gas sector.

Wednesday, April 14, 10:20-12:00

  1. 10:20 Nadine Stahl, Nicole Marheineke, State Estimation for Gas Pipeline Networks using Reduced Order Models
  2. 10:45 Björn Liljegren-Sailer, Port-Hamiltonian Modeling and Structure-Preserving Model Order Reduction for Gas Networks
  3. 11:10 Tanja Clees, Anton Baldin, Kläre Cassirer, Bernhard Klaassen, Lialia Nikitina, Igor Nikitin, Sabine Pott, Efficient Analysis of Long-Distance Networks for Transporting Gas from Renewable Resources
  4. 11:35 Gerd Steinebach, Jaron Schole, Gereon Stotz, FlexHyxSim - A Simulator for Flexible Usage of Hydrogen in Networks

Check the Project Webpage MathEnergy