Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS12: Mathematical Innovations for Mastering the Energy Transition: a Holistic Perspective

In this minisymposium, we want to present a holistic approach that was developed as part of the project KONSENS: “Consistent optimization and stabilization of electrical networked systems” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the programme "Mathematik für Innovationen als Beitrag zur Energiewende" (Mathematics for innovations as a contribution to the energy transition). The minisymposium therefore begins with the big picture, showing the different network levels and their interfaces. The speakers then present their specific approaches to tackling the respective challenges. A special focus will be on the novel mathematical concepts, the algorithms for integrating them into an automatic control approach, and case studies showing the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.

Tuesday, April 13, 14:00-15:40 (Chair: Sara Grundel)

  1. 14:00 Christian Himpe, Sara Grundel, Peter Benner, Next-Gen Gas Network Simulation
  2. 14:20 Therese Klarner, District Management based on Cross-Sectoral Optimization
  3. 14:40 Jörg Dickert, Modelling of Flexibility in Power Systems for Optimization
  4. 15:00 Stephan Gerster, Hyperbolic Stochastic Galerkin Formulations to Model Fluctuations in Transportation Networks
  5. 15:20 Bartosz Filipecki, Christoph Helmberg, Semidefinite Programming Approach to Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow with FACTS Devices

Check the KONSENS Webpage.