Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS17: Advances in the Modelling and Simulation of Batteries

Rechargeable batteries, in particular those based on a lithium-ion chemistry, are fundamental in many industrial applications. In order to design better batteries and improved control schemes, mathematical models are a fundamental tool. Even though batteries are widely used in our day to day lives, many of the phenomena that occur inside are not well understood. Therefore, there is a strong need to develop new models that include new physical effects, and analytical and numerical techniques to solve them efficiently.

In this mini-symposium we will discuss the latest advances in modelling and simulation of batteries and their application to real-world problems.

Wednesday, April 14, 14:00-15:40

  1. 14:00 Ferran Brosa Planella, W. Dhammika Widanage, Asymptotic Methods for the Estimation of Lithium Transport Properties in Lithium-Ion Batteries
  2. 14:25 Smita Sahu, Ivan Korotkin, Simon O’Kane, Giles Richardson, Jamie M. Foster, DandeLiion: A Ultra-Fast Solver for Doyle-Fuller-Newman Models of Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge
  3. 14:50 Toby L. Kirk, S. Jon Chapman, Colin P. Please, Physical Modelling of the Slow Voltage Relaxation Phenomenon in Lithium-Ion Batteries
  4. 15:15 Jamie Foster, Andres Galvis, Giles Richardson, Bartosz Protas, Jon Chapman, Mechanical Deformation in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Wednesday, April 14, 16:00-17:40

  1. 16:00 Robert Timms, Steven Psaltis, Colin Please, S. Jonathan Chapman, Mathematical Modelling of Spirally Wound Cells
  2. 16:25 Laura Keane, Iain Moyles, Mathematical Modelling of Lithium-Ion Batteries on the Nanoscale
  3. 16:50 Michael Vynnycky, Milton Assunção, Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: Asymptotics and Numerics
  4. 17:15 Matthew Hunt, Ferran Brosa Planella, Dhammika Widanalage, Florian Theil, Thermal Single Particle Model with Electrolyte (TSPMe)

Check the webpage of the Multi-scale Modelling for Lithium Ion Batteries Project