Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS18: Mathematics and Working Life in African Context. Status and Visions

There is a need and serious interest in several mathematics departments in African universities to develop outreach to the external world, industry, public institutions and applied sciences. African colleagues can benefit a lot from connections to colleagues in Europe and there is a lot of potential in cooperation with ECMI. We report about recent developments and discuss the challenges and prospects.

Thursday, April 15, 10:20-12:00

  1. 10:20 John Magero, East African Centre of Mathematical Research, Prospects of ECMI-Africa Collaboration
  2. 10:45 Matti Heilio, Applied Mathematics in Makerere-SIDA PhD School
  3. 11:10 Godwin Kakuba, Fredrik Berntsson, Vladimir Kozlov, An Algorithm for Computing a Stationary Flow in a Binary Bifurcation Tree
  4. 11:35 Denis Ndanguza, Modeling of Deep Methane Gas Extraction from Lake Kivu

Thursday, April 15, 14:30-16:10

  1. 14:30 Leif Abrahamsson, Bengt Ove Turesson, ISP and Sida Mathematics Support Eastern Africa