Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

MS25: Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology and Medicine

The minisymposium will focus on several aspects in epidemiology and medicine, where mathematical modelling and numerical simulation can provide valuable additional information. Two talks will address new nonstandard mathematical epidemiologic models. One talk will present a four serotype model of the in Europe emerging dangerous vector-borne disease dengue fever.One talk will present a SEIR model with retarded differential equations. Another talk will focus on the different approaches in mathematical modelling of epidemics. Finally one talk will address modeling and identification of motor units in muscles.

Wednesday, April 14, 16:00-17:40

  1. 16:00 Gaby Folger, Kurt Chudej, Numerical Simulation of a Four Serotype Dengue Fever Model
  2. 16:25 Roland Pulch, Delay Differential Equations for Epidemic Models with Temporary Immunity
  3. 16:50 Jochen Wittmann, Micro- or Macro-Level Models? A Critical Look at Experimental Design
  4. 17:15 Tobias Sproll, Anton Schiela, Modeling and Identification of Motor Units in Muscles