Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Minisymposium Proposals

A major component of the scientific program of ECMI 2021 will be shaped by parallel minisymposia. A minisymposium is organized by an active member of our research community on his/her own initiative on a specific conference theme. The standard format of a minisymposium is: A session consisting of 4 talks, each 20 minutes long (followed by 5 minutes for discussion). Of course, a minisymposium can include several sessions. In exceptional cases we can consider sessions of 5 talks.
Prospective organizers of minisymposia having an incomplete session with 3 talks are encouraged to contact the Scientific Committe in order to complete the session with an appropriate contributed talk. Submission: please contact the organising committee at ecmiconf[at]uni-wuppertal.de in case of any questions.
To submit a minisymposium proposal, please provide the following details:

  • Title
  • Organizer(s)
  • Affiliation and Contact Information of the Organiser(s)
  • Short description (8 - 10 lines)
  • Motivation/Relevance to ECMI
  • Industrial area
  • Confirmed speakers so far (Name, affiliation, and gender (Male, Female, Non-binary)
  • Industrial participation
  • Consideration of gender diversity ( a minimum of 1 female speaker per session)

To proceed, please register in the ConfTool System for the conference and submit your minisymposium proposal. Notification of acceptance will be given by 15th February 2021 (extended to 15th March 2021). The maximum one page abstracts of all talks in an accepted minisymposium must be submitted before 28th February 2021 (extended to 10th March 2021). The LaTeX template and a PDF file sample for the abstract of a talk can be downloaded from this web-page. The author must submit a compiled PDF file through the ConfTool System. As a token of appreciation, minisymposium organizers will receive a printed copy of the ECMI2021 Proceedings.