Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Minisymposium Talks

The deadline for submission of a minisymposium talk is 15 March 2021 (extended to March 31, 2021).
To proceed, please register your talk in the ConfTool System.

  • Use the submission type “Minisymposium talks” and ensure that you select the minisymposium you are a part of from the given list. The number of the minisymposium is the same as on the list on the ECMI 2021 web page.
  • Upload the PDF file of your abstract and a zip file containing its LaTex file.

The LaTeX template and the corresponding PDF file for the abstract of a talk can be downloaded from here.
When preparing your abstract, please follow the following guidelines:

  • Do not modify the dimension and spacing of the template.
  • The maximum length including the references (if any) is one page.
  • Name the file with the first name, family name of the speaker and "ecmi2021" as shown in the template.
  • Optionally, you can insert a short note of acknowledgement as shown in the commented lines.

Please also register for the conference.
Select 'Minisymposium Talk' and then the corresponding minisymposium session.