Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Proceedings of ECMI 2021

The Proceedings of ECMI 2021 will be published by Springer as part of the ECMI book subseries of Mathematics in Industry. As a token of appreciation, minisymposium organizers will receive a printed copy of the ECMI2021 Proceedings.

Publication of conference papers are restricted to contributions that have actually been presented at the conference. Authors of regular papers (based on minisymposia talks or contributed talks) will be invited to submit a brief paper, 4 to 6 pages, in the format pre-defined by Springer Publisher, not later than 31th August 2021. Plenary speakers will be invited to submit a paper summarizing their talk in 6 to 8 pages.

All submissions have to be performed using the ConfTool system and they will undergo a standard reviewing process adopted for ECMI conferences. Papers accepted conditionally subject to minor revisions and actually revised will appear in the Proceedings volume.

Papers must be written in LaTeX using the Springer macro package provided for the ECMI book subseries. A collection of auxiliary files and documentation can be found here. As a minimum, the following files are necessary.

You can have a look on the previous proceeding:
István Faragó, Ferenc Izsák and Péter L. Simon (eds.), Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018,
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Volume 30, Springer, 2019.